Report: Business Actor Report - <actor name>

Business Actor Report
This report contains information regarding a business actor (<business actor name>) within the business use-case model.
Worker: Business-Process Analyst

Purpose To top of page

This report is used by various people interested in the business actor, such as business designers, user-interface designers, use-case specifiers, designers, testers, and managers.

Brief Outline To top of page

1. Brief Description
A brief description of the business actor.

2. Characteristics
The characteristics of the business actor.

3. Relationships
The relationships involving the business actor.

  • For communicates-associations, their brief descriptions, and associated business use cases are included. Also include the multiplicity, and navigability, of the role involving the business actor in question.
  • For generalizations, their brief descriptions and associated ancestor business actor are included.

4. Diagrams
Diagrams of the business actor and its relationships.

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